File search python script

You have to install spyder IDE in your system to use it. Now, save the script in a file named c1. You have to run the following command from the terminal to execute c1.

If you want to run the file from spyder3 IDE, then you have to click on the run button of the editor. The following output will show in the editor after executing the code. There are many ways to join string values in python. Create any python with the following script to know the way to join two strings.

Here, two string values are assigned in two variables, and another variable is used to store the joined values that are printed later. The following output will appear after running the script from the editor. If you want to know more about the other joining option in python, then you can check the tutorial, Python String Concatenation. Floating point number is required in programming for generating fractional numbers, and sometimes it requires formatting the floating-point number for programming purposes.

There are many ways to exist in python to format the floating-point number. String formatting and string interpolation are used in the following script to format a floating-point number. According to the formatting width, 5 digits are set before the decimal point, and 2 digits are set after the decimal point.

If you want to know more about string formatting in python, then you can check the tutorial, Python String Formatting. Many ways exist in python to calculate the x n in Python. In the following script, three ways are shown to calculate the xn in Python. The values of x and n are initialized with numeric values. The following output will appear after running the script.

The first two outputs show the result of 4 3, and the third output shows the result of 2 6. The different uses of Boolean types are shown in the following script. The first output will print the value of val1 that contains the Boolean value, true.

All positive are negative numbers return true as Boolean value and only zero returns false as a Boolean value. So, the second and third outputs will print true for positive and negative numbers.

The fourth output will print false for 0, and the fifth output will print false because the comparison operator returns false. The following script shows the use of a conditional statement in python. The declaration of the if-else statement in python is a little bit different than other languages. No curly brackets are required to define the if-else block in python like other languages, but the indentation block must be used properly other the script will show an error.

Here, a very simple if-else statement is used in the script that will check the value of the number variable is more than or equal to 70or not. AND operator returns true when the two conditions return true, and OR operator returns true when any condition of two conditions returns true.

Two floating-point numbers will be taken as MCQ and theory marks. According to the following output, if statement returns false for the input values 30 and 35, and returns true for the input values 40 and Python does not support a switch-case statement like other standard programming languages, but this type of statement can be implemented in python by using a custom function.

The function contains one parameter and a dictionary named switcher. The value of the function parameter is checked with each index of the dictionary. If any match found, then the corresponding value of the index will be returned from the function; otherwise, the second parameter value of the switcher. According to the following output, the script is executed two times, and two employee names are printed based on the ID values.

The use of a while loop in python is shown in the following example. The colon : is used to define the starting block of the loop, and all statements of the loop must be defined using proper indentation; otherwise, indentation error will appear. In the following script, the counter value is initialized to 1 that is used in the loop. The loop will iterate 5 times and print the values of the counter in each iteration.

The counter value is incremented by 1 in each iteration to reach the termination condition of the loop. The starting block of this loop is required to define by a colon : , and the statements are defined by using proper indentation. In the following script, a list of weekday names is defined, and a for loop is used to iterate and print each item of the list. Here, len method is used to count the total items of the list and define the limit of the range function.

I tried two random solutions with no great improvement, then just did:. From this, I believe it's entirely possible to optimise whole searching a lot in a platform-independent way, but this is where I stopped the research. If you are using Python on Ubuntu and you only want it to work on Ubuntu a substantially faster way is the use the terminal's locate program like this. If you are working with Python 2 you have a problem with infinite recursion on windows caused by self-referring symlinks.

Below we use a boolean "first" argument to switch between first match and all matches a default which is equivalent to "find. SARose's answer worked for me until I updated from Ubuntu The slight change I made to his code makes it work on the latest Ubuntu release. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Find a file in python Ask Question. Asked 12 years, 2 months ago.

Active 1 year, 3 months ago. Viewed k times. See the os module for os. I used it for last years Advent of Code and successfully finished ten days of challenges.

I'm also on the lookout for other places I can use it, even if just to provide a way to practice the language. Today I looked into making a change to my search interface. It uses Algolia for indexing and searching. Currently it sorts results by the strength of the match, but I was looking for a way to optionally sort by date instead.

Algolia supports this via "replicas", a copy of your index. It supports the idea of a "virtual replica" which is the most optimal way of doing it. Unfortunately, this is not supported on their free tier. To be clear, Algolia provides awesome value at their free tier so I don't blame them for charging for this, but I needed a solution of some sort.

Enter Python! Since my search page doesn't really get a lot of traffic anyway mostly me actually , I decided a local script solution would be fine. I decided to build a Python script that would:.

Pretty much all of the above was new to me, so even though I knew my "search" logic would not be as good as Algolia's, I figured it was a worthwhile use of my time. First things first, I had to figure out how to make a Python script "runnable" without needing to specify the python executable.

Not surprisingly, it followed the typicaly bash style that I've used for Node scripts:. Next, I needed a way to check the number of arguments sent to the script. If none were sent, I wanted to print out a usage command and exit out. Team, am having trouble with my custom requirement.

Found it! Python script to find files that contain a text string Posted on 23rd September Program Flow The program uses the os module to get the files from a directory.

Post Comment. Post Reply. Josef November 12, AM thanks for that! New to python but loving it :- Reply. Ramesh January 24, AM Thanks a lot for this wonderfull script!


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