File a complaint against pseg

We evaluate all claims fairly. If your claim is denied, we explain the reason for the denial. If a specific gas or electric rule applies, we provide you with an explanation or a copy of the rule. If you are not satisfied with our decision and explanation, you can request an appeal of the decision from a Claims Supervisor. You also have the right, at any time in the claims process, to file a court action.

Submit a claim as soon as possible. Statutes of limitations apply for the filing of legal actions set by California or other applicable law. A statute of limitations is the length of time from the date of the incident in which you can still file a claim. The following info about statutes of limitations is based on our claims experience:. Give yourself enough time for the claim process.

If you have questions about these limits, please consult an attorney. The CPUC sets general rules relating to claims processing, but it does not rule on the merits of individual claims. Visit California Public Utilities Commission. Pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section Service guarantees spell out our commitment to provide prompt customer service for our customers.

Learn how to file a claim with us. Provide photographs and the documentation needed for your type of claim, using the following guidelines: For property damage. Copy of medical records and receipts For lost wages. For lost revenues. Hotel and restaurant receipts and car rental receipts For food spoilage. If they are considering doing business with the company, consumers can use this indicator to forecast the likelihood of having their issues addressed if a problem arises.

A variety of factors are considered when calculating CRI. This includes how quickly a company responds to complaints, the number of complaints against a company, whether the company addressed complaint allegations, and the outcome of the complaints.

CRI is just a subset of the overall rating for the company. Consumers are encouraged to take into consideration the company's CRI, their overall BCA letter rating and other relevant information about the company so they can make a well-informed purchasing decision. Complaints Type of response 0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested 0 Making a partial refund 0 Agreed to make an adjustment 0 Refusing to make an adjustment 0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement 2 Unanswered.

Company Response. Customer Rebuttal. Company Final Response. Login to BCA Login to participate on the website. Sign up for free now Email Address:. Sign up with BCA Sign up for free to participate on the website. You should be given a prompt decision either orally or in writing. If you object DPS' decision after filing the inital complaint, within you may request an appeal in writing or by phone, for an informal hearing or review,.

The Informal Hearing. You will get a letter that tells you when and where the hearing will be held. You do not have to be at the hearing, but you will be asked to send documents. You can attend the hearing and bring the documents or send the documents to the person reviewing your complaint the hearing officer. The hearing is a chance for you and the utility company to come to an agreement.

If you cannot come to an agreement, the hearing officer will make a decision. You will get a letter that explains the decision that was made.


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