Fun fundraisers games

A representative always got back to us within the day. I would recommend GiveSmart to anyone doing a large online event. GiveSmart is highly flexible - you can use it for [a] simple registration and check-in, to full-scale galas with complex order forms, onsite upsells, live auctions, seating management, and more.

GiveSmart is easy to use and ideal for virtual events and can be used for in-person events to manage the silent auction, seating charts, and check-in to the event. Being able to use the platform for unlimited events within the contract year is very useful and being able to add other users and volunteers for different levels of access is helpful as well. Jan 2, 15 Games for fundraising campaigns. When creating your fundraiser games, some key principles to keep in mind include the following: Make sure your fundraising activity is easy for attendees to understand.

Make sure your organization has the resources to administer and manage the event to raise more money. Whether you decide to use auction games, festival games, or mobile fundraising, set a time limit to your event to keep engagement levels high.

Most importantly, make sure your creative fundraiser is fun! The benefits of unique fundraising ideas When done correctly, a unique fundraising idea can do more than raise funds — it can also enact positive change while generating publicity for your organization. Some additional benefits of incorporating unique fundraising ideas into your next campaign include: Building camaraderie: Creating unique ways for donors and organizers to connect can build lasting relationships and a shared goal of helping your organization.

Expanding your network: Donors who have a positive experience at our fundraising events are more likely to tell their friends, who will pass the news onto others and broaden your donor network. Increasing engagement: If you repeat the same ideas each year, your donors may fall into the habit of donating the same amount or lose interest and not donate at all.

Changing your fundraising events in unique ways can increase donor engagement and ignite new interest in your organization. Enhancing existing campaigns: Unique ideas for fundraising may elevate a current campaign that is already successful for your organization. Adding a surprise prize or online elements may excite current donors and encourage new donors to participate. Choosing GiveSmart If your organization is trying to raise funds, you likely know there is a lot to consider from the initial planning to execution.

Our user-friendly technology can assist with: Mobile bidding for silent auctions. Online fundraising. Virtual and hybrid fundraising. Campaign event and management. Peer-to-peer fundraising. Data integrations.

Ticketing and guest management. Growth fundraising. WINE PULL Also known as a wine grab or cork pull, guests can purchase a ticket to select a pre-wrapped bottle of wine, which is displayed on a table with all the solicited bottles. Recent Posts. Why is social fundraising so successful? Virtual Fundraising In Request demo. September 29, Read More.

September 1, As you look at your calendar, you may find that you have gaps of time…. July 22, What our clients say.

Michelle M. Julie G. MicroFinancing Partners in Africa. Jamie F. Hope Chest for Breast Cancer. Dawn L. Literacy Coalition of Palm Beach County. You need to collect a lot of them to make it worthwhile, so you'll need a car to transport them all.

Community Clean Up Anytime there's a festival, concert, or show of any kind there is always garbage scattered and piling up everywhere. Offer your professional cleaning services and charge a fee for a speedy and thorough cleanup operation. The Community Tree This works best during Christmastime. Buy the largest tree you can find and set it up in a park or neighbourhood, then sell people ornaments and lights to hang on it. Place a donations box next to the tree for people to leave their festive tidings.

Ball Pit Treasure Hunt Find a large bin, something about the size of a baby's crib, and fill it with balls that have been stuffed with either prizes or "sorry try again" notes. People just reach in, dig around, and grab one. The Auction House Auctions always make great fundraisers, and there are several different types that you could try.

There are silent auctions, blind auctions, bachelor auctions, ghost auctions, and used car auctions, just to name a few. Always make it clear that the profits from the event are going to a good cause. Corsages Is the local high school having prom soon? Is Valentine's Day coming up? You can make corsages fairly cheap with materials from an arts and crafts store like Michaels, or even the dollar store.

Sell them at a decent markup and get the word around town. People simple pay a nominal fee to wear an ugly sweater to work, and you could make things more interesting by offering a prize to the ugliest sweater of the day. Selling Saplings Go to a local arboretum or green house and ask if they have any saplings they would be willing to donate to your fundraising cause.

Then sell the baby trees to people any way you can. Whether you do it online, door to door, or in a store there are lots of people who want to liven up their homes with a little greenery.

Busking If you or anyone else on your fundraising team has a musical talent you can always try playing in the street for money. Some buskers can makes hundreds of dollars in an outing so don't underestimate this one. You might have to check with the city to see if you need to apply for a street performer's license first, however. Create a Mixtape The art of the mixtape isn't dead, it can still live on in your fundraising efforts!

Going along with the busking idea, if your fundraising team has any musical talent you can record a few songs on a CD and sell them. You'll need to rent time in a studio to make a professional quality recording. Theme Party Who doesn't like going to a theme party every now and then? Pick your own wacky or exotic theme and charge your guests a modest admission. You'll have to throw in a big draw to get a lot of people interested, like a popular DJ or band.

Movie Night Movie nights are a tried and true fundraising idea. You can make this extra-interesting if you hold it in the summertime by having it outdoors in a beautiful park or down by the water if your city has water. Just be sure to pick a film that's suitable for all ages.

Another great idea is to arrange a sports game; hockey, football, soccer baseball, whatever is most popular in your city, and generate revenue from ticket sales and concessions. Beat the Goalie If you have connections in professional or minor league sports, see if you can find a goaltender who would be willing to help you out. Charge people to take shots or kicks if you want to do soccer on the goalie and anyone who scores gets a small prize.

Scavenger Hunt Make a treasure map with clues leading to a buried treasure somewhere in town and charge people a fee to play the game. Generate a buzz with social media and whatever ads you can afford.

The more players, the merrier. Lawnmower Men Are your neighbours letting their grass grow a bit too long? Go door-to-door with a lawnmower and ask people if they'd like their grass cut for a fee. This idea works especially well with school kids.

Can I Assist You? Offer to be someone's personal assistant for a day. Clean their shoes, fetch their coffee, and take their phone calls, all for a modest fee being put towards a good cause.

A lot of people are so busy these days, why not help them out? Dog Walking Service Dogs are a lot of responsibility to own since you have to take them out for walks regularly during the day, and this can be a problem for some people who have to be at work all day.

Start a dog walking service and take care of the little pooches when their owners can't be around. Fix-It - If you're handy, why not offer your know how to people in need. Even odd jobs around the house like fixing a leaky sink or patching a hole in the wall can be worth a small fee.

The key is to be able to handle as many jobs as possible to maximize your revenue potential and this might entail buying new tools or watching tutorials on home repair.

Let's Go Bowling There's nothing like the sound of 10 pins smashing after bowling a strike! A simple bowling tournament can be a great way to rally people of all ages together.

Fundraising comes through player registration fees and concessions. Games Tourney Board games are all the rage these days, so you could easily put together a board games event in a banquet hall. This could work as a tournament or as a friendly games night where people pay to rent board games and play with their friends.

Karaoke Idol Some people turn into rock stars once they have a few drinks and stand on a stage, so give them a place to claim their crown as Karaoke Idol. Offer a cash prize to the winner, and consolation prizes to the runners up. Make a big spectacle of this fundraiser and it will be a night to remember. Used Book Blowout Ask around if people have any old books they want to get rid of and sell them all in a used book blowout sidewalk sale.

See if you can get a table at a bazaar or festival to get a spot with tons of foot traffic. TV Series Finale Marathon People often like to make a big deal of it when their favorite show reaches its terminal episode so they make an event out of it. But what about having a fundraiser where you show the series finales of a dozen or so popular television shows?

Choose a diverse selection of shows to attract the biggest audience. Poker Tournament Poker is an intense game of skill, and some people take it very seriously. Some poker champs earn millions in tournaments. Although you might not make that much at your poker tournament fundraiser, you can still make something when the stakes get high.

Swear Jar Does someone in your family or one of your coworkers have a bit of a potty mouth problem? They will either clean up their language, or go broke from the cost. Dress Down Day A lot of offices might have casual Fridays' when the staff gets to wear jeans and shirts to work. It also makes for a solid fundraising idea. Benefit Show Maybe you know a band or an acting group? Ask them if they'd be willing to put on a show with all the proceeds going towards your fundraising cause.

This is another fundraising event where you can sell concessions and apparel. Henna Tattoos Almost everyone has tattoos these days, but they're permanent so now everyone would want to get one. Henna, on the other hand, is temporary, and the elegant and intricate lines painted over the hands looks interesting. Find a henna artist willing to help you out and pay them with a cut of the proceeds.

Street Carnival You'll have to apply for a city permit for this one, and there is a lot of paperwork involved, but carnival rides and games are easy enough to rent along with the crew to set them up. Street carnivals are a great summertime fundraising idea. You can use cheap dollar store prizes, and maybe even have a grand prize hidden somewhere. Dance Lessons If you or someone else on your fundraising team knows how to dance, try offering dance classes to the public.

Either one-on-one or group classes can work here. A few popular dance styles to go with are salsa, swing dancing, and meringue. Racing Day Gentlemen start your engines! See if you can rent a racetrack for a day and put on a race. Nascar or F-1? It's up to you. Car Smash Give people a way to take out their aggressions after a stressful day with this fundraising idea.

Procure an old car and charge people for the pleasure of smashing it with a sledgehammer. CFL Bulb Replacement CFL bulbs are good for the environment and reduce your electricity bill, so you can do people a service by replacing their old bulbs with these newer, more efficient ones. You'll have to find a source that can sell you the bulbs for cheap to make this worth it.

Christmas Caroling This fundraising idea is an oldie, but a goodie. Spread some Christmas cheer by going door to door and regaling people with festive tunes. The spirit of the season is sure to make some people give you a few bucks.

Cooking Class Do you know your way around the kitchen? Host a cooking class where you teach them some of your best recipes techniques. Food has a way of bringing people together, so this fundraising idea can't miss. Cow Pie Bingo Here's a new take on bingo. Find a farmer who will allow you to use one of his cows and his field. Draw a large bingo board on the ground and as the cow walks around, people playing the game have to guess which square it will do its business on.

If the cow pie lands of their square they get a point. Pet Grooming This is a great fundraising idea for pet lovers. Offer your services around your neighbourhood and beyond as a pet groomer and put all your profits towards your cause. Dunk Tank This fundraiser is fun for everyone, as long as you don't mind falling into a tank of cold water! Make it a show and the money will roll in faster than you can say dunk!

Guided Tours If you know where all the best spots are in your city, or if you can show people around a specific area and can explain the history behind you could be successful as a tour guide. It's a pretty easy business model, and tips are always a possibility too.

Full Service Gas Station It seems the full service gas station went extinct a long time ago, but you can bring it back if you can find a gas station willing to let you do this. Pump gas and wash windshields for everyone who comes and be sure to make it known that you're doing it for a good cause. Horseback Riding How often do you get that chance to ride a horse?

Probably not often at all, so see if you can set up a horseback riding course. You'll need to find access to the horses, and you'll need a venue with a simple track that people can ride on. Or, even better, do it out in the countryside where people have space to roam. Gourd Throwing Around Thanksgiving is when all the gourds are harvested, and there are always too many of them.

From pumpkins to squash, what are we to do with all these gourds? As a fundraiser, organize a gourd throwing competition where people have to build their own throwing mechanisms like catapults or trebuchets.

It'll be good and messy fun. Guest Speaker Seminar See if you can find an educational or motivational speaker willing to volunteer for your cause. Charge a modest admission fee for anyone wishing to attend, and generate a buzz via advertising and social media. Ghost Walk Most places have old ghost stories being told, so why not arrange a ghost walk tour where you introduce people to all the supernatural folklore of your city?

Naturally, this fundraiser works best around Halloween. Head Shaving You've probably seen this one before, and that's because it works. Collect sponsors willing to pay you to shave your head. This might be a little harder to commit to if you're a woman, so make sure the minimum pledge is a relatively high number!

Language Classes Bilingualism is a tremendously useful skill, but in North America a lot of people only know one language. Help people get started on their second, or perfect what they already know, with some language lessons. French, Spanish, and Mandarin are all popular language choices. Luau Get out your grass skirts and ukuleles because it's time to get Hawaiian!

Some people will pay good money to enjoy a taste of tropical culture in a country where it's too cold to go outside for five months out of the year. Luxury Car Test Ride Some people would do almost anything for the chance to drive a Lamborghini or Ferrari, so why not give them the chance?

There are many luxury car dealerships that will allow you to rent a car for a day, so take it to a track and charge people top dollar to ride around the course once Sexy Calendar We all know how popular fireman calendars are, so how about making your own sexy calendar as a fundraiser?

On the flip side, you could make it something silly instead if sexy doesn't seem appropriate. Pop-Up Garden This is another small business idea. Imagine waking up to find your front lawn covered in pink flamingos! What a surprise it would be. That's exactly what this business would do. Overnight, set up a display of plastic animals or plants to amaze the lucky recipient.

Pancakes Who doesn't like pancakes? They're cheap and easy to make, so as a fundraiser you can charge people on per pancake basis.

Plus, you can offer toppings like fruits and nuts which they can add for an additional fee. Look for sponsors willing to pay you to go a whole day with no pants on. Offer to show them photos as proof when you are ready to pantsless.

T-Shirt Sale Pretty much everyone wear T-shirts and there are funds to be raised here. Procure a few hundred plain t-shirts in various colours and a silk screen printer.

Set up a booth where you can make custom printed t-shirts. Plinko This game fits in well at a festival or carnival. Set up a giant plinko board the game they had on The Price is Right and charge people to drop wooden pucks down the board. Offer prizes to people who hit the right slots. Santa Claus It's time to start practising your jolly ho ho ho's because if its Christmas time you can raise some serious funds this way.

Set up a Santa's Workshop at a local mall and hire a few helper elves. Every kid wants their picture taken with Santa and the funds will roll in faster than you can say Merry Christmas.

Raking Leaves Raking and bagging the leaves in the yard can be a painstaking and time consuming task, but that's exactly why you can make money doing it. Go around your neighbourhood with a rake and a pack of yard waste bags and see who will pay you to clean their yard. Scramble Golf In this style of golf all four players tee off at once and then shoot from the ball that lands closest to the hole. This continues until they get to the green, and then they all put from where the ball closest to the hole is.

It's easier and more fun than regular golf, so you should be able to get a lot of people interested in this fundraiser. Celebrity Bartenders Host a bar night with celebrity bartenders and charge top dollar for entry. Hire flair bartenders the kind that know how to do crazy tricks and make the event a night to remember.

Just add music and dancing and you'll have tons of funds by the end of the night. Smoothie Bar For the more health conscious consumers, you can have a smoothie bar offering a menu of various tropic delights.

You'll need to procure various fruits like banana, strawberry, kiwi, and mango, at wholesale price to make this worthwhile. Ice Cream Vendor There's nothing better than an ice cold treat on a sweltering hot day. Acquire large amount of ice cream bars and popsicles on the cheap and sell them at outdoor events and city parks. You might need to apply for a vendor license first to do this legally though. It could just be something fun and simple like a cream pie in the face, but it shouldn't be anything embarrassing or harmful.

Tug-o-War Heave! A tug of war is a great way to bring the community together, and as a fundraiser no matter who wins money will go to charity. This is another great chance to look for sponsors willing to lend some money to the cause. Junk Car Rally A little demolition derby is sure to get your blood pumping, so see if anyone has an old clunker they would be willing to enter into a junk car rally race. Charge the drivers an entry fee, and charge spectators admission.

Concessions and memorabilia are some additional revenue streams here. Bake-to-Order This is a different take on the traditional bake sale fundraiser. Present people with a menu of possible items you can bake and take their orders.

Maybe you could even offer bulk discounts to attract some big sales. Dueling Pianos Gambling is a sure way to raise some funds and you can arrange to put on your own casino night. Hire some pro card dealers and rent the blackjack tables, slot machines, poker tables, and craps tables.

Don't forget; the house always wins. Wine Tasting If you're the athletic type, make an announcement that you'll be making a long and hard journey biking, running, or swimming, and look for sponsors. Many people might be inspired with the difficult task you're taking on and gladly throw money at you. Casino Night Gambling is a sure way to raise some funds and you can arrange to put on your own casino night.

Duck Regata You've heard of a sailing regatta, but have you ever heard of a duck regatta? Have people each buy rubber ducks and let them float down the river. May the fastest duck win! House Sitting Do you know anyone who's going on a vacation and needs someone to look after their place while they're gone? Offer your services as a house sitter and charge a fee to put towards your fundraising efforts Baby Sitting Maybe you have a friend or relative with a child and they're having trouble finding someone reliable to take care of them?

If you're good with kids this can be an easy fundraising idea to pull off. Talent Show This tried and true fundraising idea can work very well if you get the word out in advance that you're putting on a show for charity.

People of all talents are welcome, and you can start a buzz over social media and with ads in your local paper or radio station. Serenade in the Park If you have some musical talent try playing songs for people in the park or in restaurants, always telling them that you're doing this as a fundraiser so any tips are well appreciated.

Brighten someone's evening with a beautiful song! Sell Flowers If you can find a florist or greenhouse that can give some roses at a wholesale price, walk around town in the areas where a lot of couples tend to go on dates and see if you can talk the gentlemen into buying flowers for their ladies.

It'll make them look good, and it'll raise funds for your cause. Portrait Booth If you have some artistic talent, set up a booth where you draw people's portraits for a fee. This fundraising idea works especially well in the more touristy areas of town.

Poetry Booth Revive the underappreciated art of poetry with this fundraising idea! Just like the portrait booth, write a poem on the spot for people willing to pay a fee. Print it out on an elegant sheet of paper so they have something to take home. Make Your Own Pizza Pizza fundraisers are common, but why not allow people the ability to make their own pizza?

Set up a table with all the dough, sauce and fixings you need, and have a piping hot pizza oven at the end. Dance-a-thon With this fundraiser you can literally dance the night away. Collect money from sponsors willing to pay you to dance all night long. The more people you get involved in this dance marathon, the more funds you can raise. Knitted Goods If you know how to knit, some people might pay good money to purchase some hand-crafted mittens, sweaters, and scarves.

This fundraiser might be most effective in the winter time when people need to stock up on warm clothing. Homemade Preserves A lot of people like to know that the food they're eating is healthy and natural, so you can raise some funds by selling your own homemade preserves. Things like jams and spreads are sure to be hot sellers. Pet Show Put on a pet show for the community. Have them do tricks and stunts to amuse the crowd, or have a beauty competition for pets.

A lot of people love cats and dogs, so this can be a lot of fun for everyone involved. Go Kart Race See if you can rent a go kart track for a day and make an event out of it where anyone can enter. Set it up as a tournament, or a long race, and this will be a fun day at the track. Scratchcards Some people get addicted to scratch and win tickets, but you can make your own scratchcards and sell them at a similar price.

With your cards the prizes won't be near as lofty though. Photo Competition Ask everyone to bring out their inner shutterbug and put on a photography competition. People must pay a small fee per photo they enter in the contest, and the top three winners get modest prizes. Sell Candles Candles are cheap if you buy them wholesale, but they are also pretty easy to make from scratch. Either way, this is another product that you could make a small business out of to raise some quick funds.

Rat Race Life in the big city is a rat race, so people will love this as it is an actually race with rats scurrying through a maze. Have each rat wear a number and take bets on who will win.

Junk Removal Lots of people have loads of old junk they don't know what to do with, and there is big money in junk removal services. Get a truck and a couple strong people to help out and you can clean up both literally, and figuratively. Community Mural Nothing jazzes up a neighbourhood like street art, and you can do it in your area with a community mural. Get city approval to cover a wall with outdoor art and charge people to add their own creations to it. Art Exhibit If you have connections into the art world, this can be a great fundraising idea.

Stage an art exhibit for charity and take a small cut of all artwork sold for your fundraiser. Abseil Down a Building Also known as rappelling is perfect for getting media attention and generating a buzz.

Collect sponsors for this one and choose the biggest, tallest, most well known building in your city to abseil down it. It's very important that the setup is done by professionals in order to ensure a secure environment. Beard Growing Competition Beards are trendy these days, so any guy who can grow one can consider doing it as a fundraising idea.

Collect sponsors willing to see you or your fundraising partners with a full beard, and then collect sponsors again in a few months to shave it off!

Hire some pro skaters and BMXers and arrange a show in your town. Egg Drop Just like the art exhibit, this is a fun and engaging way to get people out to support your fundraising cause. You'll need some connections into the industry and a good venue to make it happen. Fashion Show Just like the art exhibit, this is a fun and engaging way to get people out to support your fundraising cause.

Quit a Vice If you're a smoker or a drinker, it's time to quit that nasty habit and raise some funds while you're at it. Just look for sponsors willing to see you quit your old habit. The hard thing is the actual quitting part. Kite Fighting We all know about kite flying, but what about kite fighting? It's where people fly their kites and have them "attack" one another by colliding. Charge people to play in the competition.

Murder Mystery Host a dinner party with a twist; there's been a murder and they have to solve it through various clues that pop up throughout the night. Charge people entry to this special event. Obstacle Course This fundraiser is fun for people both young and old. Set up an obstacle course and charge people for the pleasure of running through it. This goes well at a carnival or street festival.

Parachuting Just like the abseiling idea, this one is great for adrenaline junkies and easily lends itself to media coverage. How many people would pay to see you jump out of a plane? Hopefully a lot! In Stocks If you, or someone on your team, doesn't mind suffering for the cause, put them in stocks and have people pay to throw things like water balloons or banana cream pies at them. This fundraising activity is another good one for carnivals and street festivals. Restaurant Percentage Night Everyone loves a delicious meal from their favorite restaurant, so why not have it benefit your cause at the same time?

You can find fundraising restaurants near you and book online on GroupRaise. A to Z Fundraising Ideas. Try offering an all you can eat buffet of some type of food that lots of people enjoy.

Some good options for this might be pizza, Chinese food, hotdogs, or miniature hamburgers. Pretty much any delicious food that you can get in bulk might do the job here, and you can pull people from miles around if you have it in a fun outdoor location like a city park. If you plan on having it outdoors, be sure to have a backup plan in case of rain.

B is for Brazilian Put on your dancing shoes! Rent out a music hall and change a small admission for people to come in and dance the night away. You can make this even more unique by adding a special theme like 80s disco, or 70s rock n' roll. Not only can you generate revenue from admissions, but also from selling drinks and snacks. You'll of course have to account for the cost of hiring a DJ or bands, the venue rental, and any other costs that come with it, but in the end you should be able to turn a profit.

Do the math first to see what your breakeven point will be and figure out how feasible it will be to raise your desired amount of funds. C is for Cook-a-thon Again on the theme of food, you can set up a cook-a-thon where people come out and cook whatever they want and you sell whatever they make.

This can get interesting as you never know what people are going to come up with, so you might end up with is a cornucopia of culinary delights. If you're doing it in the summertime, barbequing is the way to go, and be sure to offer ice cold refreshments as well. Good food has a way of bringing people together, and that's exactly what you want to do when throwing a fundraiser.

D is for Dance Party Put on your dancing shoes! E is for Environmental Cleanup Do some good for your community and assemble a team to clean up a local park, forest, or river.

You'll be doing a great service to the neighbourhood, and people will appreciate the hard work you're doing. The way to make money here is to get sponsored by local residents and businesses. Go door to door, or ask around online, and get as many pledges as you can. The more people you have looking for pledges the better, and it also helps to plan on cleaning up an area that really needs it.

F is for Film Night Almost anyone likes maxing and relaxing with a good movie, so this can make for a simple fundraising idea.

Stage it outside if the weather's nice and make like a sit down drive in theatre, or host it at a community centre on the cheap. The money comes from admission fees and concessions, just like a real movie theatre, and you can get popcorn and refreshment for cheap from a dollar store.

Just be sure to pick a film that's okay for all ages. G is for Games Tournament There has been a massive resurgence in the popularity of board games, so this presents another great fundraising opportunity. Choose a competitive game and get the word out that you're having a tournament with a small sign up fee, and prizes for the winners.

It shouldn't be too hard to get people interested in this idea. It'll be fun night of games for everyone, and you can also offer snacks and drinks as an additional revenue stream. H is for Hockey Few things are as Canadian as hockey, so better way to get people to come out and show their support for your cause then by staging a hockey game?

There are a couple ways you can do this. You can either have people pay to join a team and play in either a tournament or a single match against other participants, or you can set up a game with local players and charge admission.

Getting local celebrities to show up can help attract more attention to the game. Either way, keep things light and friendly because like Stompin' Tom Connors said, "The best game you can name is a good old hockey game! This can also be great fundraising idea.

If you or any of your partners are willing to do it, collect donations to take a dip in a freezing cold lake. You will of course want to set a minimum total donation for this, and you can make a big event out of it when you're ready to take the plunge.

The best part about it is that there really are no overhead costs as you don't have to pay to jump in a lake. J is for Junk Sale More commonly called a garage sale, this is an easy way to raise a little money and get rid of any old stuff you have lying around at the same time. If you want to get other people involved, you can charge them a nominal fee to set up their own table at the event. Stage this in an area that gets a lot of foot traffic to maximize the number of potential customers, and send out some flyers around town to get the word out before the big day.

Social media is also very useful in raising some awareness of your junk sale, so set up a Facebook event and promote it as much as possible leading up to the day.

K is for Karaoke How low can you go? Host a limbo competition and find out! This is a great summertime fundraiser that of course lends itself to Caribbean themes.

Get someone to play a steel drum and a booth where people can buy fresh coconuts, and it'll be just like Jamaica. When the music's playing and the bar comes down lower and lower there will be an intoxicating energy in the air.

L is for Limbo How low can you go? M is for Marathon This option isn't for the faint of heart. It takes serious endurance to run a marathon, so you might just want to do a half marathon, but either way this is a solid fundraising idea.

Have every person on your fundraising team look for sponsors to run a marathon and the money will add up quick. You might want to do a little training before hand though. It's sure to take a lot out of you, but it'll be worth it when you hit your fundraising goal. N is for Nature Maybe you live in a city with a lot of scenic trails and parks?

Try arranging guided hikes around some of the most breathtaking areas and providing people with information on some of your cities best natural settings. Most cities do have natural beauty to be found, you just have to know where to look, so you can surprise people by showing where the good stuff is. For this you would charge a fee, and tips are also a possibility if you give good service.

O is for Origami The Japanese art of paper folding is rare skill. It take a lot of patience and precision to make one of those little paper cranes or frogs, and that make for interesting knick knacks to have on your desk at the office or bookshelf at home.

Find some people who know how and hire them to sit at a booth and make origami animals for people at a few bucks each. It isn't everyday you see someone who can do this, so you might be able to get a lot attention from passers-by on the street when they see what's going on. P is for Pants Or, rather, the lack of them! You've maybe heard of the no pants subway ride which happens in major cities once a year, and this is a similar thing.

You'll have to look for sponsors to pledge money to the cause with this one. The idea is that once you've raised enough money you and your partners will spend one whole day without wearing pants, wherever you go.

This could be a little difficult in the wintertime, so we suggest keeping this one to the warmer months of the year. Q is for Quiz Night Quizzes and trivia nights are popular at bars, so if you've ever been to one you know how fun it can be. Stage your own quiz night at a popular venue and watch the money roll in. To generate some extra chance, offer bonus questions where anyone in the room can shout out an answer but if they get it wrong they have to contribute a quarter into the pot.

Do this with some really tough questions and watch the change pile up. It'll look like you raided a piggy bank by the end of the night. R is Rap Battle This one's a great way to get younger people involved. Put the word out that you're staging a rap battle tournament where anyone can come and test their verbal mettle. You might be surprised at how many amateur rappers there are out there. Since you would host this is a concert hall or some other indoor venue, you can generate additional funds by selling snacks and refreshments.

Alcoholic beverages might be ideal here, so look into getting a liquor license for the evening. S is for Shakespeare Channel your inner dramatist and act out one of Shakespeare's plays. Try going with one of the comedies as they are more suitable for all ages. If you choose to do this yourself with your business partners, we recommend going with the sponsorship route as to put on the show since you probably don't have professional acting skills and it might be a little nerve wracking to get on stage.

You can rally artists for an online show of music, painting, dance, improvisational theatre, or impromptu storytelling. Once you solidify your lineup, you can sell tickets for admission to the webcam stream or video call. To make the virtual performance more interactive and exciting, you can give viewers the option to make requests with a small donation. Attendees can choose songs, painting subjects, and story developments, playing a part in crafting the masterpiece and making the performance more personal.

Traditionally, donating to an organization might merit a plaque on a bench or building that passersby could see. In the internet age, donation can earn a spot on a webpage that could potentially garner thousands of viewings. You can create a digital plaque wall to honor sponsors and other benefactors.

Simply dedicate a page of your website to sponsors, and consider hosting links or logos as a thank you to contributors. You could also make your display more intriguing by teasing a unique piece of artwork and revealing one part of the picture every time a patron makes a donation.

This is an easy and effective way to promote remote fundraising for clubs, artistic clubs especially. You may not be able to include address labels or magnets in an email, but you can still send valuable items as per-emptive thanks. You could either include files and downloadable items directly in an email, or you can include a link recipients can follow to claim the prize.

Personally, I recommend the second method. Giftees may assume that attachments are viruses or spam, and a clickable link grants you metrics for measuring actionable interest.

Plus, once. You could also pair with a local entity or utility to offer potential donors special offers and discounts. For instance, if your city hosts a festival or big event, then you can offer donors free or discounted admission tickets.

If your city uses a particular parking app, then you may be able to wrangle credits for your philanthropists. You will likely be able to broker a deal with a third party, because this approach is a win-win for everyone; you receive funds for your cause, while the outside organization garners attention for a service or event.

Peer-to-peer fundraising means that supporters of your cause reach out to social networks to raise money. Participants often use personalized donation pages to track which contributions resulted from which campaigns.

You can further customize the crusade by encouraging supporters to offer a unique service or incentive, such as a hand-painted thank you card or a short Zoom dance lesson. You could also provide profile picture frames and filters so that peers can easily identify supporters on social. This approach allows champions of your organization a more active role and ownership of the push. Peer-to-peer campaigns are one of the simplest and most straightforward virtual fundraising ideas, and serve as a great way to get the word out about your organization.

To launch an influencer partnership, assess your current following and donor pool and select potentials with strong social media presence. These individuals do not necessarily need to have a giant base; often, micro influencers with loyal fans achieve better results than those with masses of followers. Also, you could ask any connected acquaintances to introduce you to possible influencers, or scout mavens whose values align with yours. You do not necessarily want to put an open call out for partnerships, as you are likely to get several responses that are more appropriate for the peer-to-peer format.

Once you connect with your influencer, you can brainstorm ideas for the collaboration together. Choose your own adventure stories have been around for decades, but the internet is especially conducive to the format. To create a choose your own adventure, write a story with multiple narratives and load your prompts into a program like Google Forms. Users can explore multiple endings to the story, but some will require a contribution to receive a clue.

These questions will link to a donation page, which will reveal a secret code after the player pays. Soliciting a gift for every question will create a frustrating experience for participants, so you should write some story-lines that users can complete without paying, with an option to voluntarily contribute at the end. You can also entice players to pick the paid paths by offering fun and interesting outcomes. You must crack the code to view the masterpiece! People love a good surprise, especially if that surprise is a present.

You can capitalize on human curiosity and the popularity of internet unboxing videos by offering donors a mystery box. In the package, include instructions for the donor to post photos or videos of the haul to social media with a hashtag.

You can ask businesses to donate items for the boxes and can ask giftees to tag the businesses in the posts. This method serves as publicity for the business, in addition to generating more buzz for your campaign. Besides filling boxes with local goods, you can also pack low-cost organizational swag such as stickers, buttons, magnets, informational brochures, and leftover gifts from past campaigns.

Mystery boxes are one of the more unusual virtual fundraising events for nonprofits, but also one of the most thrilling and novel ideas your organization could implement.


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