Free ftp server program xp

One of the biggest advantages of this program is its usability. This is mainly because the installation process is trickier than some of the other pre-packaged products on this list. This will raise the Add Roles and Features wizard.

Next, select Role-based installation type and click the Web Server role in the Server roles section. Then click Install. Another advantage of this platform is that the user creation process is simple.

To add a user, go to the U sers tab and click the Add button. Version 1. Whereas many other programs offer a somewhat outdated design, Syncplify. It is also quite powerful, able to support file transfers in excess of 2GB. In addition, local file systems and remote file server browsers are multi-tabbed and can be used simultaneously.

It supports both IPv4 and IPv6. For an FTP server, Syncplify. This is a good choice for handling file transfers on an enterprise-grade network. Tiny SFTP does a great job of allowing you to start running file transfers almost immediately. In a matter of minutes , you can be up and running with your own file transfers. This is a welcome step away from FTP servers that require the user to configure their settings before they begin. The simplicity of Rebex is carried over into its file sharing.

You can start a file transfer simply by adding files to the data folder and running it. Passwords are stored in text and can be seen on the main form of the server. This means unauthorized users can view passwords used on Rebex.

The website suggests that this is part of the design rather than something that will be addressed in future. If you need a platform that is more secure, then we suggest you deploy another tool instead. For example, you can set up two-factor authentication so that a user has to be part of an external database in order to access the server.

Another unique feature is virtual users integration. With virtual users integration, you can connect to data sources in order to verify user accounts. You can also define user verification in the form of a username and password.

Once a user has been setup, you can choose whether they have any data privilege limitations. This ensures you can keep out unwanted users. ProVide has a free version and multiple paid versions. Many companies have started to use CrushFTP to manage their file transfers because it is one of the most versatile FTP servers available. The user interface is very convenient. You can interact with your server through your web browser and the server dashboard.

Things You'll Need. Related Articles. Author Info Last Updated: September 16, Click OK and follow the instructions for the install Wizard or you can just push next if you don't feel like reading. Be prepared with your Windows XP CD, because it might prompt you for it if you haven't already installed it. Once it is done, you might have to restart your computer after this. Public meaning that anyone who knows the IP address may download copies from it. There's more to go!

Now, you need to configure your router's firewall to let FTP traffic through. This can be done through your router's administration menu. Note that this will vary depending on your router. After letting your router firewall let FTP connections in, you will have to configure your regular firewall to let FTP connections in through a certain port. Finally, after done with everything, you may access your FTP site through your browser.

Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. In the Home directory you can change to the folder to anything that you want such as the Shared Documents folder.

Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0. Your LAN address is the address used to identify your computer over your private network. The following are some of its features:. User has native home path isolation he can not see other users' home path.

File transfer log can also be stored in database for easy checking. FTP sessions and file transfer can be protected by industry security standard.

SSL client authentication is also supported. Email can be sent after file uploading, downloading, user login and logout etc. Email recipients and content can be customized. Many email notification settings can be tweaked so that server can send email to different users based on different conditions.


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