Udel dropbox

Traditionally, it has been difficult - if not impossible - to send large files to others through e-mail. Once you are at the dropbox window, if you have a University of Delaware ID, log in to access your options. If you are an outside person using the dropbox, you may either drop off a file for a University member or pick up on ethat has been left for you.

Users are expected to encrypt any files containing sensitive information such as personally identifiable information PII before sending them via the Dropbox.

To access restricted dropbox features, click Login in the initial window. You will see the login window:. Login with your University of Delaware login credentials. You will see a window like the one below with your options for using the dropbox:. To drop off a file, click Drop-off. You will see a window like the one below with your information filled in. Complete the required boxes. If you wish to drop off the file for more than one person, click and fill in the boxes with that person's information.

If you wish to drop off more than one file, fill in the boxes that appear after you have specified the first file. Information about the Recipient Recipient 1: Name: Email: udel. Exercise the same degree of caution as you would with any other file you download. Users are also expected to encrypt any files containing sensitive information e. See this page for information on encryption. If you are attaching a file containing the dropoff recipients' addresses, the file should be: A plain text file with a single email address per line A spreadsheet in CSV format e.

An inside user is allowed to create a drop-off that is to be delivered to anyone, whether he or she be an inside or outside user. An outside user is only allowed to create a drop-off that is to be delivered to an inside user. That prompts the question: what is a drop-off? Return to the UD Dropbox Service main menu.


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