The sims 3 features list

Learn more. Image source Sims 3 offers something unique that no other Sims game provides to players — the chance to walk freely with no loading screens across any game world in the game. Ultra-Plain Eyes Check Out This Mod If you want the eyes of your sims to just look more natural then download this mod and give it a try.

The changes are plain, but very easily noticeable! Many sims often feel bland, but this mod changes that completely. Just be very sure that you want this mod installed on your file before saving, though.

Traveler Mod Check Out This Mod The Traveler mod is the best mod that you can download if you like to have your sims constantly moving from one town to another. Another great thing about this mod is how amazingly compatible it is. Tagger works well with every other mod. And it even works well in custom maps too.

Woohooer Check Out This Mod Woohooer allows you to take a much more liberal approach to dating and relationships than EA allowed in the original game. Sims 3 Loading Screen Replacement Check Out This Mod This simple mod changes the way loading screens look in the game by adding new features and messages to the default ones.

As such, many GPU models are not automatically used by the game when you first run it. PC gamers will definitely want to look into this mod. Northeney Check Out This Mod Northeney looks like one of those traditional coastal US towns with a ton of cozy houses and a lighthouse. Would you rather visit a dreaded place where darkness seems to overshadow everything? This mod was made to correct that. I mean really, a 13 year old can at least hold their baby brother right? For example, each loaf of bread now looks different depending on the jam that it uses.

It really feels like the game was built for this. Those of you looking to live a virtual life through a single sim will absolutely love this. It makes the game much more expansive and allows you to create many new stories to live through. However in Sims 3 story progression was particularly bland. The mod was created to work in all versions of The Sims 3 so you can run this anywhere. Overwatch Check Out This Mod The Sims 3 is the largest Sims game ever made in terms of worldbuilding and managing the size of the worlds.

Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? The Sims 3: Showtime. Edit source History Talk Do you like this video? Play Sound. The Sims 3: Showtime Expansion pack for.

Does this remind anyone of The Sims 2: Nightlife? A failed magic trick that resulted to the Magician's death! Featured Article.

This article is a Featured Article. Its layout and content is an example of excellence on The Sims Wiki. Dates featured: March 1—15, The Sims 4.

You can simply use this mod to reduce the price of groceries, books, and other things. It helps in lowering the bills. Error Trap — Even though of data corruption and other timely errors?

Error Trap mod helps catching and correction of errors and data corruption. Saver — As the name suggests, saver mod is used to save after a given amount of playtime. Debug Enabler — This mod is used to debug some important EA commands so that you can use them in-game.

Most commonly, it is used to reset stuck objects. If you want to know about the settings of NRaas mods, you can click here and if you want to know Story Progression settings, click here. These mods are very special in the Sims world as they impact babies and toddlers in the game. Many people search for the sims 3 baby mods.

So, I have provided them below. You can try these mods to change baby interactions in the game. Wanna try? Checkout this mod below. Also, you will need to register an account to download this mod from the SimsAsylum website. You can use your Gmail address too.

White Formula Default Replacement Bottle — This mod helps you to replace the default green milk baby bottle with a white milk bottle. No need to see green milk anymore. There are some mods that affect careers and roles in the Sims world. Careers — This mod helps in modifying a lot of features that are correlated to careers. There are other options as well such as self-employed and academic careers. Register — It allows you to select which Sim you want to perform certain roles in town such as cashiers etc.

Also, you can use this mod to let your playable Sims work jobs in your favorable town instead of random townies. Ever thought to change the playable Sim? Yes, you can use different mods such as Sims 3 dressing mods, to change Genetics and other things. Dresser Mod — You can use this mod to change accessories such as body hair, makeup, add new hair to all sims. And you can replace them with random choices of your own when a sim rolls them on their outfit. It also helps in preventing a random mutated color from being chosen.

This mod section contains some special yet technical custom content. Basically, these are some of the replacements which I am currently using and you can use them too in-game. Actually, I like the default Sims 3 hair textures, so I use them as in-game hairs and I also have a ton of store hairs so I have a large, matching selection. Do you want to change the environment in some way? These mods are used to do so and are equivalent to Sims 2 neighbourhood mods. Moodlets can be triggered by specific events, proximity to certain areas or objects, or by very low or very high motives.

As of , it has sold over 7 million copies, making it one of the best-selling PC games of all time. In addition to the base game, The Sims 3 features 11 optional expansion packs and nine stuff packs.

The Sims 3 boasts a robust online store that sells downloadable content including new game objects and object sets, venues, and worlds. The game also has over three dozen free game updates that fix game bugs and add new content to the game. The freedom of The Sims 3 will inspire you with endless creative possibilities and amuse you with unexpected moments of surprise and mischief!

Create over a million unique Sims and control their lives. Customize everything from their appearances, to their personalities and even the home of their dreams. Then, send your Sims out to explore new locations around town and to meet other Sims in the neighborhood.

With all-new quick challenges and rewarding game play, The Sims 3 gives you the freedom to choose whether or not! The neighborhood that ships with the game, Sunset Valley , [3] is a beautiful setting with 97 lots full of characters.

The description of this neighborhood reveals that The Sims 3 is indeed a prequel to The Sims and The Sims 2 , as Sunset Valley was apparently built before Pleasantview , and founded by the Goth family.

A second neighborhood named Riverview [4] is available as a free download in The Sims 3 Store when the game is registered. Each sub-neighborhood is a unique, exotic environment that is as large as a regular neighborhood. The Sims 3: Ambitions comes with Twinbrook. The Sims 3: Late Night comes with the neighborhood Bridgeport. The Sims 3: Pets comes with Appaloosa Plains. The Sims 3: Showtime comes with Starlight Shores. The Sims 3: Supernatural comes with Moonlight Falls.

Aside from Riverview , more downloadable neighborhoods are available for sale from The Sims 3 Store. Barnacle Bay , a pirate-themed neighborhood, costs 2, SimPoints. Hidden Springs is a mountainous downloadable neighborhood on The Sims 3 website and costs 2, SimPoints. Sunlit Tides is a group of islands which has two versions: standard version costing 2, SimPoints and gold costing 4, Lunar Lakes is a neighborhood located on a foreign planet and costs 2, SimPoints.

Lucky Palms , a desert-themed neighborhood, has two versions: standard and gold; the standard version costs 2, SimPoints, while the gold version costs 4, The standard version costs 2, SimPoints while the gold version costs 3, SimPoints. In September , a Gothic themed world, called Midnight Hollow costs 2, SimPoints for the standard and 4, for the gold.

A new neighborhood, Adventureland is shipped with patch It is based on the base game neighborhood Sunset Valley , sharing the same description and image. But when the Altos arrive with uptown ideals, will the townsfolk feel the need to choose sides? Sunset Valley , Riverview , and Twinbrook all take place before the events of The Sims although at different times. Barnacle Bay is set after the events of The Sims 2.

Although all other neighborhoods are not explicitly stated, they can be considered to take place before the events of The Sims. In an interview with producer Ben Bell and members from the EA Forum in the UK it's written "He said that Sunset Valley itself is set before the neighborhood we see in The Sims , as if it's a prequel to the story we already know.

He said the Goths [6] are in the town, as their younger selves obviously as well as other familiar names and faces. Lots of new characters too. Agnes Crumplebottom does make an appearance as her younger self in Sunset Valley and players soon discover that the source of her crabbiness is due to the death of her husband who features as a ghost.

According to the Games for Windows magazine, "The biggest change to The Sims 3 is that it takes place in a wide-open, constantly changing neighborhood — a much bigger sandbox. The neighborhood is as such, and its neighborhood can be compared in vastness to the ones featured in other titles like Grand Theft Auto, Bully, Need For Speed Carbon and Burnout Paradise.

The loading of lots during play and lot-based playing has been eliminated. Now every action takes place in a seamless living neighborhood. There are lots, parks, shops and other places Sims like to explore. All Sims, and their Sim friends and family are in this neighborhood. They can dine, visit, shop, and relax. Map tags help players navigate the neighborhood, find interesting places to visit, and locate their Sims. Also, on the map, icons for buildings are different colors.

Red icons are career buildings, royal blue icons are public places, light blue icons are for the location of Sims in the active household, orange icons are for other Sims' homes that the selected Sims knows, and green is the active household's house. There are also new public events in The Sims 3 , such as music concerts, movie premieres, pool parties, barbecues, sporting events, outdoor fishing, and the most civic-minded public activity in a Sims game to date, attending a public protest at the City Hall, where Sims can voice their discontent with the administration's legal mumbo jumbo by angrily shouting their own nonsensical Simlish mumbo jumbo.

When a child or teen Sim finishes school, there's a chance he or she may bring a friend home; there's also a chance the child or teen Sim may get invited over to a friend's house. The player has the option to accept or decline. Accepting, the player can then follow the Sim to their friend's house. Depending on how high their relationship is, the Sim can "Request to Sleep Over". If the friend accepts, they'll say, "Sure, make yourself at home".

EA released a Create-a-World tool in December , so players can create new neighborhoods for their Sims to live in. The player has the ability to control one family at a time and can easily switch from one family to another.

All the Sims of each city evolve together, but it is possible to stop the aging and the story progression so the Sims that the player doesn't control won't get married or evolve. Aging and story progression are different settings, and can be set independently. Both options affect the entire city and not an individual family. Free will can still be turned on and off, but also now has varying levels of High, Medium, Low, and Off. This setting is a game-wide setting rather than a save-specific setting.

Currently, free will in The Sims 3 affects the entire city, not only the family the player is playing, which can cause non-player Sims, such as neighbors, to be passive. This was fixed with patches. The player can choose the length of a Sims life, from 25 Sim days brief to Sim days epic , and can also extend their life by eating a life fruit, a growable garden item.

All Sims within the city will age according to the player's settings. Families are rated by how difficult they are to play. Difficulty is based on Sim relations, traits, number of family members, and children. There are six levels of difficulty. As Sims interact with other Sims, they learn about them. The opinion the Sim has with the Sim they are currently interacting with and their traits are displayed on the screen. The type of relationship a Sim has with another is displayed in the relationship panel.

Each Sim has different interactions based on their traits. Improvements to Sims include more customization options, a trait system that creates unique personalities, Sims that take care of themselves, and wishes that allow the player to set short- and long-term goals. The player now has a larger selection of body types for Sims, and are able to create different hair styles for every Sim.

The player is now able to pick their Sim's shoes. There are a total of 22 hairstyles for female Sims and 17 hairstyles for male Sims. There are a variety of hats and hair accessories that the player can use, but they all come with set hairstyles. Each of the hats and accessories can also have their colors and textures altered. Hairstyles can be chosen separately for each outfit. Compared to previous games in the series, a lot more things can be modified.

It is possible to just change the nose, for example, and it is possible to use the 'dot' system to go into more depth, i. Accessories can also be added gloves, socks, eyeglasses, bracelets, earrings, shoes, watches There are more styles for hair than ever before.

The player cannot add layers when customizing clothing, but if the clothes already have layers then the colors and textures for each layer can be altered. The player can also click on any part of the Sim and the Create a Sim tool takes them directly to the right menu for editing whatever is selected.

There is an eyelash length slider bar. Socks and shoes are also fully customizable. There are six possible skintones but only three of the six are realistic. The other three are green, red, and blue. There is a slider so the player can edit how light or dark the skintone is.

For example, they can make a light green Sim with a dark green mother and a light skinned father. Body modifiers also use sliders that adjust weight from thin to obese and muscle size from flabby to muscular. With patch 1. Height still cannot be changed due to conflicts with animation. Players can now create twins triplets, quadruplets, etc. Five personality traits can be chosen for each Young Adult Sim and above, with the chance to change them with a Lifetime Happiness reward.

Younger Sims have fewer traits. A teen has 4 traits, kids have 3 traits, and toddlers have 2 traits. Some traits are not available for younger ages. For example, toddlers can't be Flirty. In CAS, only young adults, adults, and elders can choose a lifetime wish, but in the game, children and teens can also choose to pursue a certain lifetime wish early. Players are also able to choose from three types of voices and a slider to choose the pitch of a Sim's voice.

Age types of Sims within the game are baby, toddler, child, teenager, young adult default age. Adult middle age and elder. The lifespan of a Sim can also be edited, making it any number of days between 25 and Sims are able to take care of themselves, allowing the player to concentrate on what happens in their lives rather than balancing their needs. Sims now have wishes which can be fulfilled or ignored, and these often correspond with their needs for example, a Sim may develop a wish to "Order Pizza" if they are hungry.


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